In outer space, there are ring-shaped regions where electrically charged particles move at high speeds. These zones can be found near Earth, but also near the planets Saturn and Jupiter. The radiation belt surrounding the Earth is called the Van_Allen_Belt. It was named after its discoverer, James van Allen. Initial proof of the existence of a belt such as that described by him was provided by Geiger counter readings taken by the first US satellite Explorer 1 in 1958. The Van Allen belt is made up of electrons and protons (charged particles) and is located in the plane of the magnetic equator. In this region, charged particles from space are trapped by the magnetic_field of the Earth. The magnetic field of the Earth, also called the magnetosphere, extends 64,000 kilometers into space on the side facing the Sun. Its outer limit is called the magnetopause. The magnetosphere has a teardrop shape and points away from the Sun. The protons and electrons that move there come from the solar wind, which "blows" towards the Earth, and from cosmic radiation (interstellar space). They mainly travel back and forth on special paths between the north and south poles of the Earth, where the magnetic field is greater. The electrons are most concentrated in the outer belt, at an altitude of about 16,000 kilometers. The highest concentration of protons, on the other hand, has been measured in an inner belt, at an altitude of about 3200 kilometers. There is a danger to satellites and space stations, as the extremely fast protons could possibly penetrate the metal of their solar cells and electronic equipment. For this reason these systems must be specially shielded.